Student Profile

  • Personal Information
    Name/surname, date of birth, birth country, nationality, native language, government information, associations, etc.
  • Contact Details
    Address, phone, email and contact preferences
  • Relationships
    Family members, relatives and relevant others
  • Medical conditions, immunisations, sick bay visits, etc.

  • Arrival/departures, absences, day and class attendance

  • Classes
    Student data and timetable classes
  • Other School Details
    Previous and future schools, dates of change, year level details, etc.
  • Academic, athletic and all other student achievements

  • Detailed information of extra-curricular activities and any relevant asset hire

  • Merit and demerit behaviour record

  • General and calendar events permissions

  • Diploma, certificates, credentials, licences, passports, etc.

  • Onsite/offsite events, diaries and timetabled classes

  • Billing family and responsibilities, discounts, payment configurations, and transaction and invoice information

  • Important Information and files

  • User Details
    Login type, username, password reset and roles

Educonnex allows schools to build a full profile of all aspects of a student’s life within their time at a school. Thanks to its single page application design, each aspect of the student’s information such as attendance, medical information, correspondence, alerts, finance, permission, awards, timetable, behaviour and emergency contacts are all held in the one location. This gives a single point of truth, where schools decide whether each user should be able to see all or some parts of a student’s profile, or if it should not be visible to them at all. An extra dimension of intricacy is added to this, by schools choosing if a user can view, add to, update, or deactivate each part they have access to. In doing this, Educonnex helps schools protect the information of the student, while still ensuring a holistic picture of the student’s life at the school can be gathered and utilised to different levels and degrees.

For more detailed information, contact us and we’ll be in touch.