Request A Demonstration

Receive a no-obligation personalised e-tour of Educonnex, with one of our specialists giving you a guided journey through the program from the perspective of an admin, student and staff member.

This will also include a deep dive into the adaptability and simple to navigate user interface for everyday administration tasks, designed with the student at the centre.

Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch with you within one business day.

Request A Demo

Let us show you exactly how Educonnex can benefit your school!

    School Information

    Primary OnlySecondary OnlyCombined


    Number Of Students*

    Contact Information

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Your Position*



    Additional Information

    Where did you hear about us?*

    What are your main priorities?* (Tick up to three options)

    Academic ReportsAdministration reportsAttendanceCommunicationsCurriculumDetailed Student ProfilesEnrolmentsExcursion ManagementFinanceMicro-BillingMobile AppSchool CalendarSecurityTeacher tasksTimetablesOther